4 fruits to reduce “cholesterol” and prevent

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For those who intend to reduce their cholesterol to promote good health and a strong body. In addition to limiting food choices and exercise regularly Choosing to eat fruit is another factor that everyone should take part in. Because some fruits may contain sugar. and more sweetness than necessary But fruits lower cholesterol. Which types can you eat without worry? Hello doctor, we have the answer for you.

bad cholesterol How does it adversely affect health?

Cholesterol is a substance that is semi-liquid and solid. Normally, our body can produce cholesterol on its own. But at the same time If your body receives foods that contain too much bad such as foods high in saturated fat. Fatty meat, etc., may cause the body to accumulate a lot of cholesterol in the arteries. and increase the risk of experiencing coronary heart disease Coronary artery disease Possible heart attack

4 types of cholesterol-lowering fruits that you should eat

No matter what kind of fruit There are natural nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are ready to benefit our health. But for the following 4 types of fruit, they may have control properties. Or lowers cholesterol better than any other type of fruit and is quite suitable for those who have serious intentions of reducing cholesterol.


Because avocados are a source of monounsaturated fats, vitamins, and fiber, they help the body of those who eat them in the right amount. Can prevent the absorption of bad in the body. As a result, cholesterol cannot rise to high levels. which is at risk of heart disease and vascular disease

passion fruit

Passion fruit is a fruit that is low in sugar. But it is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Helps reduce excess cholesterol from blood vessels. Importantly, it may also help reduce blood pressure. and an additional risk of heart disease as well


Although peaches contain relatively low amounts of vitamin C, iron, potassium and fiber, But if you eat 1 cup or 22.4-28.0 grams per day, it may help increase the right amount of nutrients for the body. It also helps reduce blood pressure. Weight control Reduce the accumulation That can develop and cause a risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, colon cancer , and stroke.http://ufabet999.com


One 2013 study found that eating apples can help lower cholesterol. with the tightness of lipoproteins (Lipoprotein), but it must be fresh apples only. If drinking apple juice or products extracted from apples This may cause your body to not receive natural nutrients such as fiber, which is the fiber in fresh apples. It fully helps in reducing cholesterol when compared to drinking apple juice or products extracted from apples.